3 noteworthy expositions in Art Institute Chicago

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If you are near, there are three expositions in the Art Institute Chicago that you have to see. And as all three end at January 4th, you better be quick! But for many of us around the world who are less fortunate: have a glimpse so you will know what is going on in Chicago’s greatest museum. 

Ethel Stein, Master Weaver

If you would only know one weaver, let it be Ethel Stein. Her clean designs for cloths and textiles are pure art and inspired many other weavers. Her fabrics are best! The exhibition shows her creations from 1982 until 2008. Noteworthy fact: the lady is now 96 years old and still going strong.

See an image of one of her cloths above.

CharlesworthSarah Charlesworth: Stills

A little sinister, alright: The video stills of Sarah Charlesworth show people falling or jumping from tall buildings. But the drama that it implies will impress you, correct? How do these blown up pictures change the way you look at them? That effect is why this exhibition is worth it. By the way, 6 photos were never shown before.

Ghosts and demons in Japanese prints

On a brighter note: the Art Institute shows ghosts and demons in Japanese illustrations. They are vividly colored and show the typical Japanese feel for legends. Of course the exhibition could not be complete without a print by Hokusai, Japan’s most famous illustrator of all time. It is the print shown below.

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All pictures by the Art Institute Chicago

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