Fenix Food Factory: recycling in Rotterdam

Rotterdam Fenix Food Factory

Rotterdam has the image of a cool city where business thrives and modernity strides. But the crisis hit and left the city with deserted office buildings and warehouses, some of whom are seriously historical. Nevertheless, both the government and my creative citymates are determined to turn pity into victory. One of the best examples in town is The Fenix Food Factory, a theme park-like food paradise down south. Hop on your bike for a discovery travel.

I know you love good food, right? How about a soft and salty slice of cheese that you eat from a beautiful wooden plate? A freshly home-baked loaf of steamy bread? Variations of apple cider that you never thought could compete with a wine store? Served on a second-hand table that is for sale and also that chair could be yours. Or you prefer to keep moving on the swing? Ok, enough said. The inside of this place is magnificent and you know it now!

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The thing is, the building is not only beautiful inside. The outside is a pleasure to the eyes, too.  This raw and ravelled warehouse has its origins in the sea trade and still has its original look (read about it in this article). But it got sort of recycled and one of the best places to see this, is the southern facade. Here, the name of the Fenix Food Factory is spelled out in wooden pallets on the wall. The left overs still piled up on the sidewalk. They form a nice palette with the green and yellow hues on the building. Some graffiti and wild grass complete this perfect-by-imperfection sight. Beauty is in the details.

So who said Rotterdam is only made up of traffic and serious office buildings? It is getting hotter everyday! But sometimes you got to know where you are going. These days, some of the nicest places are found outside of the city center. Be aware of this before you dare to judge this town!

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