New focus at Museologue! On blogging and inspiration

A new focus! Tate Modern Yayoi Kusama photos

Today I read a whole book. I admit, it was thin and small. But it keeps this blog alive! In it, the author Elja Daae, who also writes for the mega-megablog, unfolds his ideas on blogging. And the ways you best do it. Super helpful for sharpening your skills and improving your blog. Thanks to this book ‘Blogging like a pro‘ (Bloggen als een pro in Dutch), the art will stay but these 3 topics are now added to Museologue:

personal leadership



Spotify tip while reading this post:

If you are a blogger like me, getting inspiration from your own blog can at times subside. It takes a hell-of-a-lot of time to do it well and it can feel like work. I started to  get out of touch with the focus of my blog. But I love writing so much I won’t give up on it. And the book gave me the last bit of inspiration needed for a brand new concept for Museologue.

The message is loud and clear: a good blog has a clear focus. Museologue did, it was about art. But art alone doesn’t satisfy my curiosity. It is part of a much larger story: it belongs to the realm of cool things people do and create. People who choose their own paths, dare to live differently, create bold careers and bolder lifestyles. The stronger and perkier people are, the larger their crazy inspiration-factor.

But plain craziness won’t do. ‘Just because’ is no reason. Making sense, having goals, living consciously: that’s what makes stories. Eternal marvel-material is found in well-thought-through career moves, mindboggling art, ALL kinds of travels, and strong self-reliant decisions. These simply always inspire.

So in short..a marvel-fix is what you will be able to get here at Museologue. And if you’ve read this far, am I correct in thinking you love inspiring stories too? Are you someone with a cool lifestyle or career, funky hobby, inspiring ways of thinking? Or do you know someone like that? Bring ’em on for an interview! I’m looking for stories! Drop me an e-mail at!

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Good to see you! I'm Yvette, founder & editor at Museologue. This place serves you stories on cool careers, bold life choices, mind buzzing art, personal leadership, travel, and all the other inspiring things people do and create!
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