The Broad: the latest building of Los Angeles. A beautiful design nicknamed ‘the veil and the vault’, referring to the skin of the exhibition spaces and the archives and depots of the contemporary art museum. That museum, The Broad Art Foundation, will open its doors in the Fall of 2015. Excellent news!
Architecture of The Broad
The Broad is a creative design. The exterior is white, with many glass holes peeking in and out the museum like a honeycomb. This structure makes for filtered light inside the future exhibition spaces. The inside is not in the least square; it is made of organic (round) shapes and must be very wide. Officially the building is not open yet, because the museum it will house opens only in the Fall this year.
The architect is Liz Diller. Her Diller Scofido + Renfro architect bureau designs buildings since the 1980’s. One of the latest, and comparable, buildings is the Culture Shed in New York.
See the movie at the end of this article for a more thorough preview of the building and museum.
The Broad Museum
The Broad will have a contemporary art museum from the Fall 2015. It holds the collection of private art collectors Eli and Edythe Broad, who put the collection of postwar and contemporary art together in two decades. Great artists in the collection are Andy Warhol, Cindy Sherman, Keith Haring, Andreas Gursky, Jeff Koons. A lot of pop-art, photo art, collages and sculptures will make for an adventurous museum visit.